Welcome to the third issue of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI). The journal is certainly going from strength to strength, and I hope that you find the May edition both informative and enjoyable. On behalf of the Editorial Board, thank you to all authors who have submitted articles.
This issue includes two editorials. The first is a personal journey with respect to equality, diversity and inclusion from Mr Neeraj Bhasin, a Consultant Vascular Surgeon, in West Yorkshire. The second editorial examines what the recently published Vascular PAD-QIF CQUIN, means for vascular patients, clinicians and patients. The full report is also a supplement to this issue, and can be located on the JVSGBI website, for easy reference.
This issue includes four original research articles, which cover a variety of research topics including: outcomes of revascularisation in elderly CLTI patients; a study of the reliability of WIfI risk stratification in the diabetic foot clinic; factors associated with delays to carotid endarterectomy in the Republic of Ireland; and a study of training in open aortic aneurysm surgery. We also have two trial protocols: the first (VENUM) aims to evaluate the provision of undergraduate vascular teaching in UK medical schools, whilst the second (WALKSTRONG) aims to test the feasibility of a novel home exercise programme for patients with intermittent claudication. Finally, this issue also contains the JVSGBI’s first case report and literature review – distal venous arterialisation for ‘no-option’ CLTI. It is particularly pleasing to see such a wide variety of study designs, research topics and our first publication from a non UK centre.
Recently, the JVSGBI Editorial Board took the decision to acknowledge the sterling and essential input of article reviewers. Therefore from this point forward each article will include a note of gratitude to the individual article reviewers. A list of reviewers will also be published in each November edition. Additionally, as Editor in Chief, I am proud to advise that time from article submission to on-line publication at www.jvsgbi.com is taking approximately eight weeks and that all articles have free, open access. A Twitter notification is sent out when articles are published online via @VSjournalGBI. Our Twitter following is growing – if you are not yet following us on social media please visit and follow to receive the latest news from the journal.
Finally, I hope that you enjoy reading this issue of JVSGBI. Please do continue to submit your work for publication, and follow us on social media.
Ian Chetter
Editor in Chief JVSGBI
VSGBI Vice President Elect

Article DOI:
Journal Reference:
J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2022;1(3):59
Publication date:
May 16, 2022