Welcome to the 2 year anniversary edition of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI). I am happy to say that the number and quality of articles has increased steadily with each edition.
In this edition we have 3 editorials addressing highly important aspects of vascular surgery, namely facilitating the switch to greener surgery, bringing supervised exercise programmes for claudication up to date with the utilisation of modern technology, and finally an overview of the inspirational and highly successful BSET fellowships.
We have 5 original research articles and a systematic review. The original research papers address subjects as diverse as outcomes following revascularisation for chronic limb threatening ischaemia and the impact of health literacy and socio-economic deprivation; regional variation in attendance for AAA screening; a survey of VTE prophylaxis following endovenous surgery (which data supported the recent funding of the NIHR HTA THRIVE trial); QI project on op notes; and a survey regarding the management of neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (NTOS). The systematic review examines the role of rehabilitation following open AAA repair.
A protocol for a systematic review to examine the effectiveness of waxing or epilation in the prevention of surgical site infection is also included.
We also present our first sponsored supplement, which details the Gore satellite symposium – Clinical data, guidelines and real-world outcomes of endovascular iliac aneurysm repair with the GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis – from last years ASM in Brighton. We thank Gore for their support and would welcome interaction with other potential industrial partners.
In Summer 2023 we submitted JVSGBI application for MEDLINE approval. We hopefully should be made aware of the outcome any day now and if successful we will progress with PubMed and Scopus applications.
Finally I would like to thank all reviewers and editorial staff & board members for their continued support.
Ian Chetter

Article DOI:
Journal Reference:
J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2023;3(1):1
Publication date:
November 21, 2023