Welcome to the latest issue of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI).

This issue opens with an editorial addressing the increasingly important topic of assessing and managing frailty in vascular patients and, in particular, patients with peripheral arterial disease.

The first original research paper outlines research priorities for carotid conditions. This is the final report from the pan specialty James Lind Alliance priority setting process. All nine Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have now published their individual subspecialty reports. This is a fantastic achievement and I would like to thank all SIG groups for their hard work and commitment.

Original research articles in this issue include two papers evaluating modifications in vascular service provision – the first for ruptured aneurysms in Merseyside and the second in CLTI in London.

Two further original articles assess interventions in patients with CLTI – the first assesses the outcomes of covered stents for severe aorto-iliac occlusive disease and the second evaluates popliteal sciatic nerve block to facilitate endovascular management.

Three further original articles report qualitative research evaluating quality of life implications of surgical wound healing by secondary intention, UK trends in lower limb DVT and associated interventions, and a network review of transfusion requirements following elective open AAA repair.

Finally, this issue concludes with a case report of a novel hybrid intervention for an infected carotid patch. It is really pleasing to receive submissions from so many different vascular units, addressing a variety of topics using an array of research designs. Many of these studies appear to be important studies underpinning larger grant applications/research.

Please continue to submit your papers for publication – which will hopefully ensure the ongoing success of the JVSGBI.

Ian Chetter
Editor in Chief JVSGBI
VSGBI Research Committee Chair


Article DOI:

Journal Reference:

J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2023;2(3):127

Publication date:

May 18, 2023

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