British Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in limb Absence Rehabilitation. (BACPAR)

www.bacpar.org | @BACPAR_official

The BACPAR Executive committee is planning for its next Executive committee meeting in September at which we will start to consider our plans for delivery of the 2025 BACPAR programme. We will also review how the BACPAR objectives have been met through it’s work to date in anticipation of the AGM in November.
Themes for the 2024 programme have been shared with the membership - through our Social Media accounts and in discussion at regional meetings to encourage strong attendance and participation.
Themes for the BACPAR programme are as follows;
- acute/ pre amputation/ reconstruction and prevention of amputation
- Non- NHS roles in limb loss
- Rehabilitation
- Prosthetics.
Abstract submission has been encouraged to add to these themes and other Physiotherapy related subjects in limb absence rehabilitation and we look forward to reviewing the submissions now submission is closed.
Dr Miranda Asher continues to represent BACPAR on the JVSGBI editorial board as part of her role as one of BACPAR's research officers (ROs). The ROs will be looking to recruit to a working group for the review of the BACPAR Outcome Measures toolbox. https://www.bacpar.org/Data/Resource_Downloads/ToolboxofOutcomeMeasures.pdf in the coming months.
BACPAR looks forward to ongoing collaboration with the Vascular Societies in research, service development, patient information and MDT education.
Louise Tisdale

The British Society of Endovascular Therapy (BSET)

www.bset.co.uk | @BSETnews

British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR)

www.bsir.org | @BSIR_News

Rouleaux Club

www.Rouleauxclub.com | @RouleauxClub

Society of Vascular Nurses (SVN)

www.svn.org.uk | @vascularnurses

The College and Society for clinical Vascular Science (CSVS)

www.svtgbi.org.uk | @svtgbi

Vascular Anaesthesia Society of Great Britain & Ireland (VASGBI)

www.vasgbi.com | @vasgbi

The Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN)

www.vascular-research.net | @VascResearchNet

The last few months have been busy for VERN with some studies coming to a close and others starting or in the development phase.
We are very pleased to share with readers that a manuscript reporting the Collaborative Acute Aortic Syndrome Project (CAASP) study has been accepted for publication in the British Journal of Surgery, and a manuscript reporting the Vascular Interventions and Surgery in Trauma Audit (VISTA) is near being ready for submission for peer-review. We are proud to have collaborated with other research networks for both of these studies – the UK National IR Trainee Research Collaborative and the National Trauma Research and Innovation Collaborative. The Surgical Site Infection in Major Lower Limb Amputation (SIMBA) project is in the latter stages of data collation and analysis. Thank you to all collaborators who contributed to centre setup and data collection - we hope to update you soon.
Blood loss, anaemia and haemostasis in vascular surgery (BLAST) was launched recently and there has been an excellent response, numerous centres have launched and data collection is well under way. The centre recruitment period remains open until the end of December 2024 so please do visit the website and register your interest in participating (https://vascular-research.net/blast/). Last month, we closed the survey for the Arm Ischaemia Study (ARMIES) and are very grateful to all respondents for their time in completing the survey. This was undertaken in preparation for an observational study of acute upper limb ischaemia, details for which will be shared on our social media platforms in the near future.
Last year’s Dragons Den winner, Joseph Cutteridge, is busy working on his project exploring a simplified surgical site infection severity grade, the committee are collaborating with him on study design. We are also excited for this year’s Dragons Den session which will be held during the Vascular Societies’ Annual Scientific Meeting! If you have a project proposal to collaborate with us and want a chance to win funds to support the research, submit your 300 word abstract no later than the 9th of September 2024 to [email protected].
We are eagerly looking forward to meeting colleagues and friends again in November.
Brenig Gwilym

The Vascular Society for Great Britain and Ireland

www.vascularsociety.org.uk | @VSGBI

Article DOI:

Journal Reference:

J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2024;3(4):257-258

Publication date:

August 31, 2024

Author Affiliations:



JVSGBI is owned by the Vascular Society for Great Britain and Ireland (VSGBI), for all affiliated societies and the wider vascular community. Here’s the latest news from each society