Is there a cuckoo in the nest? How to rear and develop a new professional group
In this edition of JVSGBI, we can see the views of VSGBI members at various stages of their career on working with a new group of colleagues, Physician Associates (PAs).1 This survey followed a vigorous debate that played out in both social and mainstream media. The ramifications spread to the highest levels of medical leadership,…
Models of same-day emergency care for vascular limb salvage
Introduction The efficient and effective management of patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI) is a challenge for UK vascular services, due to the volume and complexity of patients and centralisation of services.1,2 In an attempt to provide comprehensive limb salvage services in keeping with the global vascular guidelines,3 more than 14,000 revascularisation procedures are performed…
Improving radiation protection amongst the UK vascular surgery workforce
Introduction The use of ionising radiation in the UK is regulated nationally through legislation. The legal requirements for employers for the protection of radiation exposed workers are detailed in Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17),1 Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER17)2 and Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) (Amendment) Regulations 2018,3 with the ultimate responsibility for their…
Blue toe syndrome
Introduction Blue toe syndrome (BTS) is not an uncommon referral, with vascular services often being the first port of call from primary care or the emergency department setting. It is a condition which is often overlooked, misdiagnosed or falsely labelled in the wider medical setting. Nevertheless, it warrants a thorough history, examination and assessment due…
Where next for type B aortic dissection?
In April 2021 the acute aortic dissection toolkit was launched by NHS England.1 It was designed to improve the care of patients with acute aortic dissection (AD) by raising awareness of the condition and introduced seven key principles of management including better governance, 24/7 rotas and specialist care. Each NHS region in England was encouraged…
An extraordinary conference session
I have attended innumerable sessions at countless conferences over my career but a late afternoon session on Wednesday 22 November 2023 at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland at the Convention Centre in Dublin will live long in the memory. It ran from 17:00–18:30 hours in a packed…