Welcome to the fifth issue of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI). We are really delighted with the success of the journal, and this issue marks the first anniversary of the launch at the Vascular Societies GB&I Annual Scientific meeting last year. The increasing interest in the JVSGBI has been demonstrated by the growing number of submitted articles and the impressive website stats (over 3,000 views).
This issue includes three editorials. The first by Andrew Garnham (VSGBI President Elect) and Rachael Forsythe (Rouleaux President) provides a thoughtful reflection on the problem of bullying, undermining and harassment in (vascular) surgical training highlighted as a persistent problem by a Rouleaux Club paper in this edition. The second editorial from Dr Una Adderley, National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) Director, outlines past achievements and future plans for the programme. Finally, Duygu Yenidogan-Schmidt, Chair of the Executive Committee of AAA UK, a newly formed patient representative group giving national representation to AAA patients and relatives, highlights the origins, purpose and aims of this group. I am sure these editorials will be of great interest to readers.
There are four original research articles, the first from the Rouleaux Club, the UK Vascular Surgery Trainees’ Association, reports the findings from their recent bullying, undermining and harassment survey. The second from the Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN) reports the findings from the Tier 3 COVID-19 Vascular Service (COVER) study. The final two original articles present the findings from the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership from the Vascular Services and Venous Conditions Groups. It is fantastic to see vascular trainees continuing to undertake meaningful and impactful research and choose the JVSGBI to disseminate their work.
This edition also contains a research protocol from Ravindhran et al for a systematic review which aims to study changes in functional health status following open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Finally, in this issue there is a short educational report entitled ‘Intraoperative management of REBOA’ and a case report entitled ‘Carotid web: an important cause of stroke in young people’.
The National Wound Care Strategy Programme Guidelines for lower limb wounds are published as a supplement to this issue and can be located on the journal website.
This is our fifth issue, and we would like to take the opportunity to thank all the authors who have submitted articles during the last year, which is building on the success of the journal – your contribution has been really appreciated and I hope you are delighted with your publication. We would also like to thank all the reviewers for their timely and thorough contributions.
Finally, please do continue to share your work by submitting articles for publication.
Ian Chetter

Article DOI:
Journal Reference:
J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2022;2(1):1
Publication date:
November 21, 2022