Welcome to the August 2024 edition of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI). This edition contains an editorial review regarding the assessment and management of the not uncommon condition of blue toe syndrome. Then there are 2 high quality systematic reviews, the first evaluating the safety & efficacy of tranexamic acid in vascular surgery and the second assessing the incidence of surgical site infection following trans metatarsal amputation. Both are certainly worth reading. Also contained in this issue are five original research papers evaluating such diverse topics as you tube quality of information on phantom limb pain, experience of rigid dressings for transtibial amputees, thoracic outlet decompression practices, investigation of variation in UK AAA management, and finally a qualitative study assessing simulation learning. It is great to see such a range of topics and research design. This issue finally contains winning abstracts from the ASM 2023, Rouleaux club winning essays and updates from the affiliated societies. I would again like to take this opportunity to thank authors for choosing the JVSGBI, reviewers for their time & effort reviewing submitted articles and the editorial team who work so hard behind the scenes to ensure each edition of JVSGBI is high quality and published on time.

Ian Chetter


Article DOI:

Journal Reference:

J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2024;3(4):189

Publication date:

August 31, 2024

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