Welcome to the latest issue of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI).

This issue contains 2 editorials. The first written by myself in collaboration with Barbara Wren, a Consultant Psychologist is a reflection on an emotive session entitled “The patient I cannot forget” at the recent Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting. The second editorial consolidates current evidence and management guidelines of iatrogenic acute limb ischaemia in the paediatric intensive care unit population.

Four original research papers include: a report of a single UK centre’s experience of using the Gore Excluder Conformable EVAR device in a cohort of octogenarians with highly angulated aneurysm necks; a survey of core trainees feedback on a vascular anastomosis course; a survey investigating opinion regarding surgical site infection prevention in vascular surgery; and a report of a single UK centre’s long term outcomes in a cohort of patients undergoing minor and major lower limb amputations.

Two protocols linked to the vascular and endovascular research network are also included in this issue. The first outlines the plans for a multicentre prospective observational study to investigate the prevalence and short-term impact of frailty, multi-morbidity and sarcopenia in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia (the FraiLTI study). The second outlines plans for a multicentre international audit of surgical site infection in patients undergoing major lower limb amputation (the SIMBA study).

Finally this issue closes with 3 short reports which describe cases with important learning outcomes

It is particularly pleasing to receive research submissions led by trainees addressing a variety of topics. I also once again would like to thank the hard work of the reviewers and editorial team without which production of the JVSGBI would simply not be possible. I would ask authors to continue to submit your papers for publication – which will hopefully ensure the ongoing success of the JVSGBI.

Finally having submitted an application for Medline recognition in 2023, and having recently responding to application queries, we hope to receive notification of outcome in the very near future.

Ian Chetter


Article DOI:

Journal Reference:

J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2024;3(2):59

Publication date:

February 29, 2024

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