Original Research

Research priorities in diabetic foot disease

July 4, 2022

Introduction Diabetic foot disease is among a number of serious complications of diabetes mellitus.1 In the UK there are over 7,000 diabetes-related lower limb amputations each year.2 Diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) precedes diabetes-related lower limb amputations in 80% of cases, with studies reporting a prevalence of DFUs as between 1%3 and 2%4 in people living…

A survey of surgical site infection prevention practice in UK vascular surgery

June 29, 2022

Introduction Surgical site infections (SSI) are a common complication following vascular surgery, with significant detrimental effects for patients and healthcare providers.1 Reported SSI rates vary, but may be as high as 40%.2 This high rate is due to vascular surgical patients often being elderly, smokers and diabetics, frequently having multiple long-term conditions. Undesirable physical sequelae…

Research priorities for vascular wounds: results of the Vascular Society GBI/James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Process

May 19, 2022

Background In the UK, approximately 3.8 million people live with a wound at an estimated cost of £8.3 billion per year to the NHS, with this figure expected to rise in the future.1,2 Additionally, complications like delayed healing, infection and deterioration of other comorbidities are known to have a detrimental impact on patients’ quality of…

Open aortic surgical training with trainees as primary operator: a retrospective single-centre analysis

May 10, 2022

Introduction Over the last two decades the popularity of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair (EVAR) has meant that vascular units have begun to express concerns regarding the ability of vascular trainees to acquire open aortic surgical skills. In the USA, EVAR usage has been reported to be >80% in some units.1,2 Trainees’ exposure to…

Symptoms to surgery: factors associated with delays to carotid endarterectomy for symptomatic stenosis in an Irish tertiary vascular centre

May 5, 2022

Introduction Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for symptomatic stenosis is most effective when performed close to the index event.1,2 To reduce the risk of further neurological events, the best practice guidelines issued by several international vascular societies all recommend that CEA be performed within 14 days of the initial symptoms.3,4 However, meeting this target can prove difficult…

Outcomes of vascular interventions for chronic limb-threatening ischaemia in nonagenarians

May 3, 2022

Introduction The ageing population is growing. In 2020 there were 609,503 UK residents aged 90 and over, an increase of more than 2.5 times in the past 30 years.1 Cardiovascular disease is a large contributor to morbidity and mortality in this age group,2 and consequently older patients are being referred for vascular surgery evaluation.3 Given…