
Bullying, undermining and harassment in vascular surgery training: a stubborn problem that damages the specialty

November 21, 2022

Introduction There has been growing recognition and concern related to workplace bullying, undermining and harassment (BUH) in the NHS. Although some overlap exists between BUH behaviours, they are well defined. Bullying is unwanted, offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour related to an abuse or misuse of power towards a more vulnerable peer. Undermining is a…

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Bullying and harassment: a disease for eradication

November 21, 2022

Some diseases are endemic and persistent. In this edition of the journal, the paper by vascular trainees Madurska et al points to bullying and harassment being such a disorder which is stubbornly resistant to intervention.1 Previous surveys have highlighted this problem and, although reported here in vascular surgery, it pervades much of surgery. Why is…

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