British Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in limb Absence Rehabilitation. (BACPAR)

www.bacpar.org | @BACPAR_official

Again, BACPAR looks forward to holding its conference programme within the VS ASM this year and we know that its content will be of interest to the vascular and rehabilitation MDT. Our members look forward to networking with the same and find themselves presenting in the non BACPAR programme.
Celebrating its 30th anniversary year the BACPAR Executive Committee will build upon feedback gained by the Journal editors to gather membership feedback about their priorities for the Professional Network’s work plan. The 30th anniversary Journal edition was published in October and pays testimony to the advances in limb absence rehabilitation and the role of Physiotherapists in those developments.
Current work continues updating the Pre- and Post-op guidelines. Volunteers from the VS and SVN have been sought to support this. The literature search has taken place and the identified papers are being reviewed by the update group. A survey of how the current guidelines have been used is underway and one for users is also being promoted.
A webinar has been held in association with the CSP Advanced Physiotherapy Practice Network and representation from Health Education England. It was an excellent introduction to the potential of the role in
limb absence rehabilitation and access to training and portfolio support to gain accreditation.

The British Society of Endovascular Therapy (BSET)

www.bset.co.uk | @BSETnews

BSET promotes education and training in endovascular treatment and procedures. Our Training Course and Annual Meeting programme is designed to enhance professional development and promote good practice through information sharing and networking. The BSET meeting is the only dedicated UK meeting for the presentation of endovascular research and is an excellent opportunity for both surgical and IR trainees to present their work.
The BSET Endovascular Training Course 2024 will be held on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th March 2024 at the De Vere Tortworth Court Hotel at Wotton under Edge, South Gloucestershire. The course is targeted at senior Vascular and Interventional Radiology Trainees and new Consultants.
This will be an exclusive in person conference with 4 separate modules on:
•IR-AAA module
•Aorto-occlusive disease
•Infrainguinal intervention
•Endovenous intervention
The course is limited to 24 places to allow faculty, along with industry, to provide in depth teaching looking at the finer points of treatment. The format is small group sessions (4 sessions in total over a two day period), with each session lasting approximately 2 hours.
In addition, there will be 3 separate expert presentations on
•Endovascular management of ALI
•Recovery from disaster: Casediscussions
The BSET Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June at Tortworth Court Hotel, Wotton under Edge, South Gloucestershire.
Abstract submission for the BSET Annual Meeting 2024 is now open. The deadline for submissions is Friday 9th February at 5pm.
A National Vascular Training Day will be held on Wednesday 26th June for surgical and IR trainees, providing an opportunity for interactive workstation experience.
Registration for the meeting includes overnight accommodation at the hotel and dinner.

British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR)

www.bsir.org | @BSIR_News

Rouleaux Club

www.Rouleauxclub.com | @RouleauxClub

Society of Vascular Nurses (SVN)

www.svn.org.uk | @vascularnurses

We are very much looking forward to this year’s VSASM in Dublin, greeting new and old members and enjoying the opportunities for networking. I will be handing the presidency role over to Jane Todhunter at the end of our day on Thursday 23rd November, having completed my 2 year term. As a result of not fulfilling our council spaces last year we opened these up as secondment positions and we have had four excellent nurses with us this year who have made valuable contributions during that time. We have 3 nominations for these outstanding spaces this year but this will still leave some empty seats to fill. Following conference these will be opened again for secondment positions alongside our staff nurse secondments, these are a good opportunity to have an insight into what we do if you are unsure about committing to a full council role immediately. For staff nurses it’s an excellent opportunity to gain insight into work at a national level and open new networking opportunities.
During conference we will be launching our third publication ‘Vascular Specialist Nurse Capability Framework’. This has been published as promised to support the Position Statement that was launched at last year’s conference. The framework describes and sets out the range of capabilities required to be achieved by Vascular Specialist Nurses to improve patient outcomes and deliver safe effective care. Patients should receive the same level of nursing care wherever they are being cared for and the aim of this document is to help us achieve that on a national level. We are looking to also launch this on a digital platform to provide a live document that can be continuously updated and adapted to individual roles.
You may have seen the online announcement at the end of Vascular Awareness Month in September that we have now formally joined the Circulation Foundation alongside our other Vascular Societies (VSGBI, SVT and Rouleaux Club) to work collaboratively for the benefit of our patients. There will be more work on this in the New Year so if you don’t already please follow the Circulation Foundation (@CircFoundation) on Twitter for news.
We have had some preliminary discussions with the Long Term Conditions and Prevention Team at Health Education England to drive forward the recognition of PAD as a standalone condition when providing education and training rather than an additional component of cardiac disease and stroke. We hope to again continue these conversations into the New Year to improve access to learning opportunities.
My final comments as I sign off for the last time are to the committee members that have truly been the best team to have alongside me on this journey, it’s been a turbulent 2 years with many changes and achievements. The SVN is in the very capable hands for the future, and I look forward to the continued growth and development of the committee and our vascular nursing teams at all levels.

The College and Society for clinical Vascular Science (CSVS)

www.svtgbi.org.uk | @svtgbi

The countdown to the Vascular Societies ASM 2023 in Dublin is on! The Conference team have been working hard to make sure this is a roaring success. We have an advanced skills workshop on Wednesday morning covering EVAR endoleaks and pedal vessel imaging. This workshop will showcase live demonstrations and give opportunity for some hands-on practical scanning. After lunch we start our hotly anticipated Carotid session covering a recent carotid audit of UK and Ireland practice, advances of AI and 3D ultrasound in assessing Carotid disease.
Our main Thursday session is full to the brim with scientific abstracts, keynote speakers and our invited guest speakers for the Jackie Walton memorial lecture. The Ballot results, AGM and Prize giving will conclude a busy day.
The SVT has enjoyed an exceptionally productive year, and I am immensely proud of all the progress made in pursuit of ambitious goals set out last year.

Vascular Anaesthesia Society of Great Britain & Ireland (VASGBI)

www.vasgbi.com | @vasgbi

The Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN)

www.vascular-research.net | @VascResearchNet

The Vascular Society for Great Britain and Ireland

www.vascularsociety.org.uk | @VSGBI

Article DOI:

Journal Reference:

J.Vasc.Soc.G.B.Irel. 2023; 3(1): 56-57

Publication date:

November 21, 2023

Author Affiliations:



JVSGBI is owned by the Vascular Society for Great Britain and Ireland (VSGBI), for all affiliated societies and the wider vascular community. Here’s the latest news from each society