Short Reports

Transfusion requirements in elective open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: a network review of practice

March 23, 2023

Background During a recent NHS blood transfusion (NHSBT) Amber Alert1 for a shortage of Group O red cells available for transfusion, a recommendation to review higher risk surgeries which may require transfusion was implemented. Vascular surgery, and particularly open abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair, is often cited as being a particularly high-risk group (>15% transfusion…

Intraoperative management of REBOA: experiences and lessons learned from the London Trauma Network – 10 points for consideration

November 21, 2022

Introduction Trauma accounts for a significant proportion of annual worldwide mortality, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimating that 5 million people died following injury in the year 2000, accounting for 9% of total global annual mortality.1 In the same year, 12% of the global burden of disease occurred following injury.1 Traumatic vascular injuries are…