Helen Jones

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) UK

November 21, 2022

Background Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) UK is a newly formed patient representative group giving national representation to AAA patients and their loved ones, providing a platform for national discussion on the impact of – and potential policy changes relating to – the condition. For too long the patient voice has not been a focal point…

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Editor’s foreword

November 21, 2022

Welcome to the fifth issue of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI). We are really delighted with the success of the journal, and this issue marks the first anniversary of the launch at the Vascular Societies GB&I Annual Scientific meeting last year. The increasing interest in the JVSGBI has been demonstrated…

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Changes in functional health status following open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and the role of exercise-based rehabilitation: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

November 21, 2022

Introduction Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair may be associated with significant perioperative respiratory, cardiac, distal arterial or renal complications, which might necessitate a prolonged intensive care or hospital stay.1–3 In addition, patients with AAA are frequently elderly with widespread atherosclerosis, cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities.4-8 This, in combination with the fact that AAA repair is…

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National Wound Care Strategy Programme: past, present and future

November 21, 2022

Introduction Wound care consumes a considerable proportion of NHS resources, particularly for services that deliver healthcare outside hospitals.1 It is estimated that around 50% of community nursing time is spent delivering wound care.2 The burden is considerable for people living with wounds who too often cannot access the right care early enough in their wound…

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Bullying, undermining and harassment in vascular surgery training: a stubborn problem that damages the specialty

November 21, 2022

Introduction There has been growing recognition and concern related to workplace bullying, undermining and harassment (BUH) in the NHS. Although some overlap exists between BUH behaviours, they are well defined. Bullying is unwanted, offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour related to an abuse or misuse of power towards a more vulnerable peer. Undermining is a…

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