Helen Jones
Intraoperative management of REBOA: experiences and lessons learned from the London Trauma Network – 10 points for consideration
Introduction Trauma accounts for a significant proportion of annual worldwide mortality, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimating that 5 million people died following injury in the year 2000, accounting for 9% of total global annual mortality.1 In the same year, 12% of the global burden of disease occurred following injury.1 Traumatic vascular injuries are…
Read MoreBullying and harassment: a disease for eradication
Some diseases are endemic and persistent. In this edition of the journal, the paper by vascular trainees Madurska et al points to bullying and harassment being such a disorder which is stubbornly resistant to intervention.1 Previous surveys have highlighted this problem and, although reported here in vascular surgery, it pervades much of surgery. Why is…
Read MoreResearch priorities for vascular services: results of the UK Vascular James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Process
Background Vascular disease covers a broad spectrum of conditions and treatments, with over 40,000 vascular surgical procedures performed in England each year.1 It is one of the largest contributors to morbidity and mortality globally, accounting for 40% of deaths in the UK and estimated heath and care costs of £9 billion annually.2 Work conducted under…
Read MoreCarotid web: an important cause of stroke in young people
Case report A 40-year-old female presented 3 hours and 15 minutes after acute onset speech disturbance, left-sided weakness, headache and neck discomfort. She was a smoker and had a history of fibromyalgia and anxiety disorder. Her regular medications included a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and propranolol. Physical examination showed mild dysphasia and dysarthria, left hemiparesis…
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