Helen Jones

Editor’s foreword

May 18, 2023

Welcome to the latest issue of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland (JVSGBI). This issue opens with an editorial addressing the increasingly important topic of assessing and managing frailty in vascular patients and, in particular, patients with peripheral arterial disease. The first original research paper outlines research priorities for carotid conditions. This…

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Popliteal sciatic nerve block in the endovascular management of critical limb ischaemia: a UK single-centre experience

May 10, 2023

Introduction When performing endovascular treatments in patients with critical limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI), providing safe and effective pain management can be challenging, particularly with the increasing length and complexity of such procedures. The patient often needs to lie flat for a prolonged period and needs to be still through critical parts of the procedure. In…

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Carotid EndoVAC: a novel hybrid technique for carotid Dacron patch infection

May 9, 2023

Abstract This paper reports the use of the EndoVAC technique in a case of left carotid artery Dacron patch infection. The EndoVAC technique involves a sequence of endovascular relining with a stent graft, surgical debridement with explantation of infected graft material and secondary intention wound healing with a vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) device and long-term antibiotic…

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Frailty in peripheral arterial disease

May 5, 2023

Introduction It has been consistently demonstrated that frail vascular patients have poorer outcomes compared with their robust counterparts.1 Consideration of frailty is particularly important, not only as our population continues to age but as advances in anaesthetic, surgical and endovascular techniques are enabling a broader range of interventional options for those people who may have…

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Ambulatory vascular clinics provide a safe and effective pathway for management of chronic limb threatening ischaemia

May 5, 2023

Introduction The management of chronic limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI) has changed rapidly over recent years, both due to the newer technologies in the realm of endovascular surgery1 and the current model of centralising vascular services.2 The outcomes of lower limb revascularisation, however, remain fairly poor, with a recent randomised controlled trial showing a 33–37% mortality…

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